We propel professional services businesses, offering
Fractional COO,
Fractional CHRO, and
Fractional CISO services.
Success looks different to
different companies.
Success may mean
scaling incrementally,
navigating growth spurts,
integrating post-acquisition,
or downsizing.
We've Been There, Done That.

operationalize business strategy
with a Fractional COO
Connecting your business strategy to the day-to-day operations is the phase of strategic planning that counts the most - translating and mapping goals to units, divisions, functions, and programs while recognizing constraints, inhibitors, and accelerators that must be considered in the tactical plan. Successful execution will also include a capability buy, build, or partner plan, stakeholder communication, annual rhythm of the business, and business performance management discipline.
streamline corporate operations
with a Fractional COO
Organizational efficiency is a game changer. Evaluating and understanding the operational impact of your policies, processes, and procedures and how your organization maintains and uses data is critical. Optimize cross functional dependencies, eliminate bottlenecks and rid your organization of non-value add activities while prioritizing compliance and revenue generation.
elevate people operations
with a Fractional CHRO
We have over 20 years of experience in professional services firms and understand the criticality of high impact people and people operations to meet client expectations, achieve your financial objectives and solidify your brand. We evaluate every phase of the people lifecycle to include strategy, acquisition, engagement and inclusion, development, benefits, incentives, evaluation and satisfaction. Further, we analyze your culture and subcultures to gain critical, actionable insights. Create a team that consistently hits the mark and feels good doing it.
integrate technology + cybersecurity
with a Fractional CISO
We connect the information that drives your business. Leveraging your existing technology investments, we work together to improve collaboration, automate analysis and reporting, and advance decision velocity. In today's complex world, cybersecurity is a strategic imperative. We assess and analyze your cybersecurity posture, identify potential vulnerabilities, and prioritize an action plan for remediation.